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Sigmund Freud Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Sigmund Freud College Essay Examples

Title: Sigmund Freud

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1993 Sources: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: I need a I-search paper not a research paper with intext citation using MLA format. There needs to be 5 specific questions that this paper is answering and only 5. It can be in first person and in the paper I need the research process to be described. So basiclly, why I chose the topic, the 5 questions I want answered and then how I got those answers and what research I did. Thats it. Everything in MLA format and it needs to have a title page and works cited with 8 sources. The title page should include:

Eng 111
Mrs. Clark
November 23, 2004
Beth Stringfellow

in the top right hand corner of the title page and in the middle (centered) of the title page should be the title.

sources can be books, websites, professional journals, ect.
The most important thing is that this is NOT a traditional research paper it NEEDS TO BE AN I-SEARCH paper ONLY.

Here is what you can use as the reason I am writing this paper. It also includes my 5 questions, but you dont have to use them if you dont want to. Its just an idea:

*I?ve chosen to write my I-search paper about Sigmund Freud, known today as the father of psychoanalysis. He has impacted our society a great deal and this is noticed when you simply open up a psychology textbook. This semester I?m taking a psychology course and we talk about him a lot. I?ve learned, not only through my psychology course, but also through my dad who majored in psychology in college, that Freud has influenced how modern day psychologists treat their patients. Some people follow what Freud has said and use his theories and ideas to treat their patients. This is what made me wonder about Sigmund Freud. Who was this person and how has he impacted my decade so much? Has he really contributed as much as people say he has and if so, what exactly did he do? Do his theories even work? With these questions in mind I set out to find the answers and with some research learn about who is known to be the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.*

If you have any questions for me, my e-mail is

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Sigmund Freud in Fin De Siecle Vienna

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1619 References: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: How did Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, formulate the theories of modern psychology in socio-polical enviornment of Vienna during the end of the 19th century/beginning of the 20th century?

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Sigmund Freud

Total Pages: 6 Words: 1949 Works Cited: 5 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Research paper on Sigmund Freud. The research paper must be six (6) pages, typed in #12 Times Roman, double spaced, A.P.A. style with one (1) inch margins.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Sigmund Freud

Total Pages: 9 Words: 2900 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: In 1900 after years of medical and psychological research and practice, some of it controversial, an obscure Viennese Jewish doctor and psychologist Sigmund Freud published his The Interpretation of Dreams. In the years that followed Freud institutionalised the practice of psycho-analysis (or the so-called ?talking cure?). Freud oversaw the development of psychoanalysis making it into an international movement of medical practice and cultural critique.

Beginning as an orthodox medical scientist and practitioner with deep interests in cultural and literary matters he found himself working largely alone in the 1890s as a psychiatrist dealing with cases mostly of hysterical women. By the end of the first decade he had travelled to the USA (with Carl Jung), created an International Movement of Psycho-analysis and established himself as one of the great figures in Europe. Many of his last works were essays on death, violence and civilization. He battled cancer of the jaw for the last twenty years of his life and fled Vienna in 1938 after the Nazi takeover of Austria dying in exile in London.

In the 1890s, which Freud called his ?years of solitude?, he came to hold some deeply subversive ideas. His problem was understanding cases of hysteria. He began by believing that cases of hysteria reflected organic problems or cases of real sexual abuse. He began slowly to embrace the idea that the presenting symptoms of neurotic suffering and pain reported by the 'patient' were the consequence of their efforts to rid themselves of disturbing painful real experiences or of unacceptable fantasies and desires. These desires were mostly sexual. The effort to rid themselves of these desires began in childhood and failed because these ideas and fantasies were simply forgotten, not abolished. In either case Freud insisted that what mattered were the processes whereby people tried to deal psychically with genuinely painful feelings. In an ?unconscious? instance?where he forgot one of his own painful moments as a small child?he called the first of the great painful conflicts between child and parent, the Oedipus complex.

More generally Freud?s is a tragic vision of the human condition. This is because Freud insisted that we had no choice but to repress (that is, forget) our erotic or sexual fantasies and yearnings if we are to live together successfully in the conditions of civilization. Yet the price of this repression could be later suffering and pain. The best Freud thought we could achieve was a stoic recognition of this via self-insight achieved by his ?talking cure?, that is, psychoanalysis.

As a therapy, psychoanalysis offered not so much a ?cure? (a religious concept after all; e.g. Lourdes) but a process designed to render conscious and rational the darkest of impulses and pains experienced in the development of the person. As Freud insisted we do the greatest honour to all those aspects of our inner life of fantasy and desire by forgetting (or repressing) all of the important experiences and memories that are too painful to be remembered. That Freud insisted that the most important of these had to do with the evolution of our erotic relationships and fantasies from our earliest years in infancy and childhood was clearly going to make him and his ideas deeply controversial. These ideas got no less controversial or difficult when he added to the idea that we repress our erotic fantasies the idea that we must also repress ('forget') those destructive and death-wishing impulses if we are to live in civilization.

The reason Freud matters is that he proposed radical new ways of understanding the nature of our self that challenged long-held secular-humanist ideas about the fundamentally rational nature of the self as well as Judeo-Christian ideas about the fundamentally evil nature of man as sinner. The result was (and still is today) a far-reaching rethinking of the basic elements that make up the human subject with implications for:

? The practice of psychology;

? The understanding of culture and society; and

? Insights into the processes at work in music, painting and creative fiction as well as in broader processes of civilization.


? To developan introductory appreciation of the nature of Freud?s theoretical revolution

? To developan introductory appreciation of the practical and political consequences of Freud?s innovations

**QUESTION**: What are some of the implications of Freud's approach to the study of the self through his focus on the things we have forgotten?


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