Essay Instructions: > Write a Report paper 10 pages about comparing and contrasting
> >H.H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan -last president of the
> >United Arab Emirates- to Saddam Hussein -last president of
> >Iraq-. Which analysis the leaders against one or more of the
> >prevailing theories of leadership according to "Andraw J.
> >Dubrin" . Also, indicate how their qualities might or might
> >not be applied in engineering practice.
> >
> > There is a helping website for “Andraw J. Dubrin” book :
> >
> >
> >
> > Also, I would like you to add a biography about each leader.
> >
> > P.S.: You must use any editions of the leadership book for
> >Andraw J. Dubrin as in the website above in the analysis + any
> >other applicable authors, books, journals and websites…..etc.
> >for both leaders. Moreover, try to write about conflicted
> >theories that you may come across between Dubrin’s theories or
> >any other author’s theory in leadership.
> >
> > The Report should be numbered and has these sections: Title
> >Page, Tabel of Contents Page, Executive Summary, Introduction,
> >Aim, Discussion(Body-multiple subtitles), Summary, Conclusion,
> >Recommendations, References and Appendices if necessary. Moreover the report should be:
> >¥ Numbered section as : 1. , 2. , 1.2 , 1.2.1 etc..(as in reports)
> >¥ Full Justification.
> >¥ Australian spelling and grammar.
> >¥ Pages numbered at the bottom centre.
> > In addition to that, would you please be as clear as you can,
> >and don’t use hard words and meanings, because English is my second language. Thank you.
> >
> > Helpful material:
> >
> > I have started to collect some information about both leaders
>from different websites without citing, it might be helpful and they are as follow:
> >
> > Saddam Hussein’s Background.
> > The last leader of Iraq was born on April 28, 1937, in a small
> >village of al-Auja near the town of Takrit. His early child
> >hood was spent in a mud hut in a mostly Sunni Muslim part of
> >Iraq, which is approximately (100) one-hundred miles north of
> >Baghdad. Hussein's father, Hussein al-Majid, died or abandoned
> >the family (according to who is reporting the story), within a
> >short time of his birth. Accurate records are difficult to
> >obtain in a country where Hussein's birthday is celebrated as a national holiday.
> > In 1957, he joined the Baath party, a radical nationalist
> >movement. Hussein rose quickly through the ranks, due to his
> >extreme efficiency as a torturer. The Baathist party split in
> >1963 and Saddam had supported the "winner" in the latest party
> >struggle. In 1964, Hussein was jailed by some "rightist"
> >military officers who opposed the Baathist takeover. Through
> >other political influence provided by his older cousin, General
> >Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, Hussein became deputy Secretary-General of the Baathists in 1966.
> > An obituary published in The Guardian compares Hussein to the
> >Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
> > "Stalin was his exemplar," the obituary says. "The likeness
> >came from more than conscious emulation: he already resembled
> >him in origin, temperament and method. Like him, he was unique
> >less in kind than in degree, in the extraordinary extent to
> >which, if the more squalid forms of human villainy are the sine
> >qua non of the successful tyrant, he embodied them. Like
> >Stalin, too, he had little of the flair or colour of other 20th
> >Century despots, little mental brilliance, less charisma, no
> >redeeming passion or messianic fervour; he was only exceptional
> >in the magnitude of his thuggery, the brutality, opportunism
> >and cunning of the otherwise dull, grey apparatchik."
> > While all this is true the circumstances behind Hussein's rise
> >to power are not black and white. The continuing relevance of
> >events deep in Iraq's history; the complexity of the ethnic and
> >regional setting; political meddling in Iraq and throughout the
> >Middle East by foreign powers, including Britain, France, the
> >Soviet Union and the US; all these factors combined to create
> >and sustain the monster that Hussein became.
> > Survivability of the regime
> > At the age of thirty-one (31) he had acquired what could have
> >been deemed the number two spot in the Baathist party. He would
> >continue in the position for approximately the next ten years.
> >During that time, he would continue to consolidate his power by
> >appointing numerous family members to positions of authority in
> >the Iraqi government. In his position of Deputy in Charge of
> >Internal Security, he built an enormous security apparatus and
> >had spies and informers everywhere in the circles of power in Iraq.
> > During this time, Hussein also began to accumulate the wealth
> >and position that he so relished as a poor sheep-herder in the
> >desert of al-Auja. He and his family, now firmly entrenched in
> >the infrastructure of the country , began to control the
> >country's oil and other industrial enterprises. With the help
> >of his security network and several personal assassins, Hussein
> >took control of many of the nation's leading businesses.
> >
> > Wealth
> > Iraq has proven oil reserves of about 115 billion barrels, or
> >about 10% of the world's known stock. Iraq's total projected
> >reserves could be as high as 220 billion barrels. That's a lot
> >of oil, and it's all land-based, making it easy and inexpensive to extract.
> > Iraqi Wars
> > In 1980, Iraq invaded Iran and conducted an eight year war
> >against one of his nearest neighbors and the home of Shiite
> >fundamentalist Muslims. Again, because it appeared that the
> >Shiites could be a threat to his continued dictatorship, the
> >Kurds (Iraqi minority) were sprayed with poison gas for
> >participating with the Iranians in an attempted overthrow of
> >his country. The war continued for eight years of brutality and
> >even repression of Hussein's own countrymen (especially the Kurds).
> > In 1988, after millions being killed, Iraq and Iran conduct a
> >cease-fire and ended the bloodshed. By 1984, as many as 1.5
> >million Iraqis were supporters of Hussein and the Baathists. He
> >continued to enlarge his security apparatus and army. In
> >insidious ways, the party apparatus formed numerous government
> >agencies to control and manipulate the citizens of Iraq. A
> >statistical analysis of the population indicated that as many
> >as fifty per cent of the Iraqis or a member of their family
> >were employed by the government or military. The party and the
> >people have become one. Hussein's domination of the country is complete.
> >
> > Hussein has managed to survive the loss of a large portion of
> >his army, a major psychological defeat, and control of the
> >Northern and Southern part of Iraq, yet he continues in power
> >in Iraq. His resilience is extraordinary, and so far he has
> >managed to elude the allied powers, who would like to see him
> >replaced as the leader of a major Middle-Eastern country. One
> >thing is sure, Hussein is a man who is filled with pride. He is
> >firmly entrenched in the history and culture of Iraq.
> > If past history can serve as a guide, in regard to his future
> >behaviour, one can expect that he will use all of his resources
> >to exact revenge against those that defeated him. The most
> >viable route for revenge, by Hussein and Iraq, is the conduct
> >of terrorist operations. No one should discount his future
> >involvement in actions against the United States or her allies.
> > H.H. Zayed Bin Sultan Alnahyan’s Background
> > Sheikh Zayed was born in Abu Dhabi around 1918 and died in his
> >late 80s on November 2, 2004. He was named after his
> >grandfather, Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, who ruled Abu
> >Dhabi from 1855 to 1909. His grandfather is also known as
> >“Zayed The Great” and “Zayed the First”. (ministry of information, 2004)
> > Zayed's father, Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, ruled Abu
> >Dhabi from 1922 to 1926. After his father death in 1927, Zayed
> >moved to the oasis of Al Ain, where he spent the rest of his
> >youth with Bedouin tribesmen. There he received his religious
> >education, and learned the Noble Quran and was deeply moved by
> >the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
> > The father of the nation
> > Sheikh Zayed was highly respected by Emiratis and other Arab
> >nations across the Middle East. To the people of the United
> >Arab Emirates, he was more than a President; he was considered the father of the nation.
> > His first political involvement began in 1946 when he was
> >appointed Ruler's Representative in the oasis town of al-Ain.
> >He used consultation and consensus to manage the tribes.
> >
> >At that time, the seven emirates, known then as the seven
> >Trucial States, had been under Britain’s control since 1820.
> >Abu Dhabi was poor and under developed and its economy was
> >dependant on fishing and pearl diving along the coast.
> > When oil was discovered in Abu Dhabi in 1958, economic conditions started to improve.
> > Sheikh Zayed was convinced that it was urgent to develop the
> >area in order to bridge the large gap between it and the rest
> >of the world. He improved the economic and political conditions
> >in the UAE in a way that could not have been imagined.
> > There followed a massive building plan- housing facilities,
> >schools, hospitals, airport, seaport, roads and a bridge to link Abu Dhabi to the mainland.
> > When the Britons decided to withdraw from the area in 1968,
> >Sheikh Zayed realized that he had to cooperate with tribal
> >neighbors in order to make Abu Dhabi prosper. He quickly
> >established closer links with other emirates, taking a major role in forming a federation.
> > President of the UAE
> > The United Arab Emirates was formed in December 1971. Sheikh
> >Zayed had been elected as a president and was re-elected to the
> >post by the Supreme Council Members ever since.
> > At the time, there were concerns over the viability of the new
> >federation, but over the past 33 years or more it has developed beyond all recognition.
> > Wealth and oil
> > Sheikh Zayed continued to use the oil revenues of Abu Dhabi to
> >fund projects throughout the UAE, ensuring the status quo
> >politically and socially. Zayed also had a leading role in
> >establishing the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which
> >officially began in Abu Dhabi in 1981.