Essay Instructions: Writing Assignment #2: Comparison/Contrast Analysis
Full Rough Draft Due by email at 5 pm to , Sunday, March 31st.
Mandatory individualized conferences will be held on Monday, April 1st.
Final Draft Due by email at 1:40 pm to , Wednesday, April 3rd.
For this assignment, you will write a minimum 5-page, analytical essay which compares and contrasts two of the sources that you will be using for your final project. You may wish to consider the authors' rhetorical strategies, the structure of the pieces, the uses of language, the credibility of the evidence, the existence of bias, or any other aspect of the pieces that interests you. You should refer to your class notes, class work, Blackboard postings, and your reading notes to get ideas. Please plan to work from very close readings of the sources to develop your analysis. Your analysis will look for points of contact between the texts, analyze those points of contact, and will offer a clear, specific thesis which is well-supported in an essay rich with textual evidence. Bear in mind that you must go beyond observing differences or similarities; you must answer the question, “so what?”
In class, we will use templates to prepare a working thesis. From this, you should contnue to build and refine your thesis so that it is narrow, specific, and arguable.
Your thesis will likely look something like this:
"While both Gloria Steinem and Norman Mailer were contemporaries of and admirers of Marilyn Monroe, their divergent philosophies and relative distance from the topic provide nearly opposite interpretations of Monroe's sexuality: Steinem's theoretical, feminist ideology colors her casting of Monroe as mostly saint, a little bit sinner; on the other hand, Mailer's richly personal tale of lust and unrequited love colors his casting of Monroe as mostly sinner, a little bit saint."
The body of your paper will contain three or four subpoints which support your main point. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence, textual evidence, and then analysis of that textual evidence. Answer the question, "so what?" by tying your assertions back to your thesis. Don't be afraid to use more than one piece of textual evidence per paragraph. We will talk about organizing the paper more in class and in your consultations.
The conclusion should demonstrate why it matters that the reader just read this paper. This is the place to answer the big "SO WHAT?" The paper should be able to carry its weight outside the classroom assignment--it should be interesting and insightful to all readers.
Evaluation: As the semester progresses, more will be expected of you for each assignment. For this assignment, focus on the following:
1. Write a clear, specific thesis statement.
2. Find meaningful, not random, points of contact between your sources.
3. Organize the body paragraphs so that they offer clear subpoints which relate to the thesis, and analysis which supports both the subpoint and the thesis.
4. Do very close readings. Mine the text for the perfect support. No generalities allowed--they are evidence of a weak understanding and a weak argument.
5. Summarize arguments (provide context) for the reader before analyzing them. Realize that your audience has not read the texts.
6. Write a conclusion that convinces any reader that reading your paper was time well spent (because you have shown the importance of the topic).
7. Properly cite all source material, following MLA style guidelines as delineated in the MLA section of A Writer’s Reference. This means that you will use in-text citations for paraphrases, specific facts or opinions not your own, and direct quotes; furthermore, you will create a Works Cited page as part of your paper.
8. Allow yourself no more than two surface errors per page. Please plan to bring your draft to the Writing Center.
I don't have any sources yet. But when you search and look for the sources, they need to be scholarly sources/ reliable.
The topic is prostitution and human rights. And how prostitution is a violation of women rights. Just fine two reliable sources about this topic and compare and contrast them in the essay. Like the instructions above.
Thank you.
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