Essay Instructions: Develop an annotated bibliography for each of the following articles. Each Annotated bibliography should be one half page in length.
Alderman, P. K. (1995). Emotional labor as a potential source of job stress: Organizational risk factors for job stress. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Beck, R. (2004). The high cost of cheap foreign labor: The debate in the United States in immigration. Hover Institution Press, 78, 145-167.
Berman, J. M. (2004). Industry output and employment projections to 2012: Employees in the dominant service-providing sector is expected to grow at a slower pace than in the 1992-2002 period. Monthly Labor Review, 127(2), 58+. Retrieved February 13, 2008, from Questia database.
Bitzer, E. (2006, May). Strategies for cutting turnover. Security Management, 50, 88+. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from Questia database.
Briner, R. B. (2004). Emotion and originations: A decade of development. Human Relations, 57, 1333-1362.
Daniels, K., Harris, C., & Beiner, R. B. (2004, December). Linking working conditions to unpleasant affect: Cognition, categorization and goal. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 343.
Drucker, P. F. (1994). The age of social transformation. Harvard Business Review, 67(3), 47-52. Retrieved February 23, 2008, from Questa database.
Druskat, V. U., Sala, F., & Mount, G. (Eds.). (2006). Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from Questia database.
Glomb, T., Kammeyer-Mueller, J., & Rotundo, M. (2004). Emotional labor and compensating wage differentials. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 700-714.
Grandey, A. (2000). Emotion regulation in the workplace: A new way to conceptualize emotional labor. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, 95-110.
Grandey, A., Fisk, G. M., & Steiner, D. D. (2005). Must “service with a smile” be stressful? The moderating role of personal control for American and French employees. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 893-904.
Humphrey, R. H. (2006). Promising research opportunities in emotions and coping with conflict. Journal of Management and Organization, 12, 179-186. Retrieved February, 18, 2008, from Proquest database.
Johnson, I. W., Pearce, C. G., Tuten, T. L., & Sinclair, L. (2003). Self-imposed silence and perceived listening effectiveness. Business Communication Quarterly, 66(2), 23+. Retrieved February 10, 2008, from Questia database.
Kotchemidova, C. (2005). From good cheer to "drive-by smiling": A social history of cheerfulness. Journal of Social History, 39(1), 5+. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from Questia database.
Liu, Y. (2006). Dispositional antecedents and consequences of emotional labor at work. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 67-76, Retrieved February 14, 2008, from Questa database.
Newman, M. A., & Guy, M. E. (2007, May 31) Leading the future of the public sector: The third transatlantic dialogue. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from University of Delaware Web site:
Mann, S. (1999). Hiding what we feel, faking what we don’t: Understanding the role of your emotions at work. Melbourne: Australia. Element Books.
Meier, K. J., Mastracci, S. H., & Wilson, K. (2006). Gender and emotional labor in public organizations: An empirical examination of the links to performance. Public Administration Review, 66, 6. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Proquest database.
Miller, K. I., Considine, J., & Garner, J. (2007). Let me tell you about my job. Management Communication Quarterly, 20(3), 231-260. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from Proquest database.
Morris, J. A., & Feldman, D. C. (1997). Managing emotions in the workplace. Journal of Managerial Issues, 9 (3), 257-274.
Morris, J. A., & Feldman, D. C. (1996). The dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of emotional labor. Academy of Management Review, 21, 966-1010.
Persaud, R. (2004). Faking it: The emotional labor of medicine. BMJ Career Focus, 329, 87. Retrieved February 14, 2008, from full/329/7464/87
Pugliesi, K. (1999). The consequences of emotional labor: Effects on work stress, job satisfaction, and well-being. Motivation and Emotion, 23(2), 125-154.
Tracy, S. J. (2005). Locking up emotion: Moving beyond dissonance for understanding emotional labor discomfort. Communication Monographs, 72, 261-283.
Tracy, S. J., & Tretheway, A. (2005). Fracturing the real-self, fake-self dichotomy: Moving toward “crystallized” discourses and identities. Communications Theory, 15, 168-195.