Religion / Theology
Reaching out to communities and cultures that have not embraced Christianity is what God wants Christians to do. On this page references that describe the people and history of the country of Tunisian -- with its Arab community described and evaluated in terms of political and cultural history -- will be presented as a preface to a plan on page 2. Thesis: Scripture calls for all Christian believers to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15); hence it is our duty to take the Word of Christ to Tunisia, bringing Saving Grace to Tunisia.
Bilgin, Feridun. 2012. The Ottoman-Spanis Struggle for Sovereignty Over Tunisia (16th
Century). Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 12 (Winter): 181-201.
Bishku, Michael B. 2013. "Is It An Arab Spring or Business as Usual? Recent Changes in the Arab World in Historical Context." Journal of Third World...
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