Zappos History (Zappos, N.d.)
Zappos Core Values (Zappos, N.d.)
The Secretes to Zappos' Success (Palmer, 2010)
Here's Why Amazon Bought Zappos (Parr, 2009)
The first two sources are from the company's website and talk describe the founding and culture while the second two sources give independent accounts of the culture and why it is effective. Since this paper will focus on the strengths of the culture and why this might be an issue for the Amazon acquisition, the sources are relevant. The sources could also be cross checked by finding more accounts of the culture within Zappos. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act could help by providing public financial records that can attest to the company's success. I am confident that a cultural clash between Zappos and Amazon is entirely possible.
Business Overview
Business Idea
In 1999, Zappos founder Nick Swinmurn was walking around a mall in San Francisco looking for a pair...
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