Attribution Theory
Human behavior is a complex process and the attribution theories try to explain it by discussing the psychological processes going on. It discusses the causes as well as effects of the particular behavior under consideration (Attribution Theory, n.d.). The Attribution theory also tries to explain if a person behaves in a certain way due to internal or external locus of control. The types of attribution theories are common sense, correspondent inference, co-variation model of attribution and three-dimensional model of attribution.
Three-dimensional model of attribution
The Gavin's behavior is explained by three dimensional model of attribution that takes into account stable theory, locus of control and controllability. Gavin seems to have unstable behavior, external locus of control and personally uncontrollable. He has own perceptions about self and things. He forgets things and leads an undisciplined life. He has less control and emotionally not very stable. Gavin has a behavior...
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