Teaching methods tend to be highly structured and teacher directed. Bandura's theory suggests an alternative form of classroom practice with respect to fostering student agentic self-regulation. Under typical developmental conditions young children acquire rudimentary agentic capability through everyday participation in sociocultural events and contexts. The development of agentic self-regulation by students can be developed through active engagement within richly furnished curricular settings with the support of teachers who encourage student risk taking and active, self-directed experimentation with alternative possibilities. The teacher becomes a facilitator of learning instead of a dispenser of knowledge.
Social Cognitive Theory and Choice Theory: A Compatibility Analysis, by Yvonne Malone
This paper is an examination of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), and William Glasser's Choice Theory (CT). The concurrent theme of both these theories is that individuals are active participants in their own development. SCT contends that learning is accomplished by vicarious reinforcement, symbolic activities, forethought...
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