Intereview to Famous Artists, Sculptors, Musicians
Blues Rock was an impressive form of rock that experienced its apogee during the mid to late 1960s. Janis Joplin and Lynyrd Skynyrd are certainly artists who made themselves known during the era and who influenced numerous individuals to turn their attention toward the genre. Their daring and passionate singing made them different from other notable singers of the era, taking into account that the feelings they put across seemed to be more intense. It was practically as these people were singing about experiences that they went through and that they were not simply interested in becoming famous as a result of their singing.
Date of the interview: June 10, 1968
Hi, I'm very happy to meet you at last, Janis. One of the first questions I want to ask is why is it so difficult to reach you?
"Well, the truth is that...
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