On the other hand, multiculturalism appears to be automatic in conceding division (Werbner, 2006).

In multicultural societies, issues of bias and racism invariably summon political leaders whose base of power is dependent on division. This is contrary with cosmopolitan societies, which considers division unworldly and rude. While one society keeps its opening up its wounds, the other one tends to let its wounds heal by themselves. This means that one society is healthy while the other one is unhealthy. Multiculturalism exists. This has been evidenced by Lebanon and USSR. During the Apartheid era, South Africa was based on multiculturalism, whereby power was shared in an uneven manner. It is not necessary that multicultural societies are doomed to fail, but it is common that most of them have cannot withstand the test of time (Werbner, 2006).


Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism policies have been strong indicators of strong societies. While one reflects...
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