Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that has become the topic of much research lately. This neurological disease affects more than four million individuals around the world, making it the second largest neurological disease affecting people (National Institute of Health, 2013). The United States alone has about 60,000 new diagnoses made every year. Parkinson's disease can affect an individual of any age, however, the branch of this disease that people are most familiar with is late-onset Parkinson's disease. This part particular group encompasses those that are older than 55 years old. Young-onset or early-onset Parkinson's disease affects individuals before the age of 50, while juvenile-onset Parkinson's disease affects those under the age of 20 (NHGRI, 2011). No matter the age at which the disease first appears, its devastating effects are the same.

The symptoms of this disorder create great disruption in the affected individual's life. Parkinson's disease causes the degeneration...
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