Low employee morale, cultural and communication differences, technological equipment challenges as well as lack of team cohesion are some of the worst situation to ever affect an organization. These situations can critically impair the normal operations of an organization (Mawoli & Babandako,2011).In this paper, we present an elaborate investigation of these issues as well as how to tackle them within the context of a global hi-tech organization (a multinational) with offices in various cities across the globe.
Low employee morale/lack of motivation
Motivation is noted by Harder (2008) to be the inner drive that compels an individual to perform or act.There are several sets of factors that influences employee motivation. Several scholars do however agree that the concept of motivation is mainly a psychological process that arouses a sense of direction, arousal, intensity as well as persistence of individual behavior (Pinder,1998). Employee motivation is a process that leads to good...
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