Nonverbal / Demonstrative Communication
Nonverbal Communication
The functions of nonverbal communication, according to Professor Mark Frank, include: a) nonverbal communication actually defines communication by "providing the backdrop for communication" (for example, a dimly lit room means communication should be subdued but a brightly lit room with cheerful colors offers a chance for loud talking, laughter and even frivolity); b) nonverbal communication can "regulate" how verbal communication takes place (when the listener nods that he has understood what the speaker has said, it is a cue for the speaker to continue talking); c) nonverbal communication "can be the message itself" because a simple smile indicates acceptance or happiness; a wave means goodbye; raising an index finger suggests "we're number one" and raising a finger to lips means please be quiet (Frank, 2012, pp. 6-7).
Professor Frank (Director of the Communication Science Center at the University of Buffalo) points out that there...
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