Prostitution Mexico
"The world's oldest profession" is alive and well in Mexico. Prostitution is legal in Mexico, and not regulated by individual states or the federal government. This has led to widespread prostitution rings that foment the problem of human trafficking. According to the United Nations, Mexico is the biggest exporter of young children to the United States and Canada (Hughes, Sporcic, Mendelsohn & Chirgwin, n.d.). Some of those children are sent up north to be adopted by willing families; but unfortunately the majority of these children end up in vast prostitution rings (Hughes et al., n.d.). The prostitution organizations are international and transnational, making the black market a widespread phenomenon difficult for law enforcement to address in the target countries or in Mexico itself. Therefore, the problem with prostitution in Mexico is two-pronged. There is the problem of internal prostitution, which includes the proliferation of street crime, sex tourism,...
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