Lady MacBeth play Shakespear presentation Lady MacBeth (Ella) adaptation play movie SkakespeaRe-told Brozel. Use examples BOTH play adaptation answer.

Mark Brozel's "ShakespeaRe-told: Macbeth" successfully manages to transport Shakespeare's "Macbeth" to a modern setting. Even with the fact that it is a tragedy; the film's version actually introduces a lot of humorous ideas and makes it possible for audiences to relax as they focus on gaining a better understanding of the storyline. Lady Macbeth is one of the story's central characters and Brozel and Shakespeare concentrated on shaping this character in order to provide people with one of the most cunning female characters ever. Both the motion picture and the play succeed in presenting this woman as an ambitious individual who would do everything in her power in order to achieve her goal.

Lady Macbeth is an imposing character, not taking into account the version of artwork that she is present...
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