United States had been involved with the world affairs from 18th century to the present and its most prominent role was during the pre-world war era and post-world war affairs of the world.
Particularly when President Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy ruled, the economic prosperity of the United States began to grow on a vast scale. Their eras were considered the most successful era for United States in relation to economic prosperity. President Eisenhower and Kennedy ruled United States from 1953 to 1961 and 1961 to 1963. In their time of governance, United States took a revolutionary step in bringing change in the way people brought up lives in America (Moss & George, 2010). These Democrats controlled Congress for a period however; they could not pass liberal legislations due to the enforcements of Conservative Coalition.
The involvement of United States with worldly affairs in the light of President Eisenhower...
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