McDonald's New Challenges
A look at how socio-culture trends such as obesity will require that McDonald's breaks from standardization on a grand scale
(Fitness Mantra, 2007)
Industry Overview
Influence of Culture and Demographics
Supporting Work
McDonald's is the multi-national company (MNC) that has worked to break through internal barriers on a global scale. McDonald's has been at the forefront in new market expansion and the organization has now covered nearly every market on the globe (Lafontaine & Leibsohn, 2004). Despite the global coverage of operations, McDonald's has excelled in keeping its menu virtually the same. Although some room is given in terms of flexibility to incorporate items from the local culture, a Big Mac made in the U.S. tastes much like one prepared in China. This strategy has offered McDonald's a great deal of standardization through quantities of scale in different markets composed of many varieties of demographic and cultural...
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