One's heart may appear enlarged in heart failure. The X-ray also may reveal whether ther e is any fluid buildup in the person's lungs. X-rays also sometimes show conditions other than heart failure that possibly cause the patient's signs and symptoms (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2009).
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Through electrodes attached to the patient's skin, an ECG records the electrical activity of person's heart and records the impulses. These impulses, displayed on a monitor, may also be printed on paper. From this test, the doctor can diagnose heart rhythm problems and also ascertain damage the person's heart may have experienced from a heart attack that may underlie heart failure (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2009).
Echocardiogram: From this test, the doctor can diagnose and monitor heart failure. "An echocardiogram also helps distinguish systolic heart failure from diastolic heart failure, in which the heart is stiff and can't fill properly. An echocardiogram uses sound...
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