heroes of Homer's great work, The Illiad, is Achilles. Achilles, known for his handsome appearance and physical invulnerability, is driven by his compelling need and desire to have his memory preserved in history. Although such need and desire is expressed as Achilles' personal compulsion, the author Homer certainly intended that it was reflective of human kind in general. This desire and need for everlasting immortality remains an important part of western culture even today.
The real question is whether Achilles' actions in the Iliad qualify him as a real hero. Most readers of the epic tale view Achilles as a hero but a more careful reading may raise doubts as to his status as such. Part of Achilles' appeal is based on his described appearance and charm. He has the traditional earmarks of a hero such as a muscular build denoting extreme strength, handsome, masculine features, and an apparent close...
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