In China with the target demographic group of young adults and teens because they account for a large portion of consumer spending. Last year in America teens spent roughly $100 billion and parents spent another $50 billion on their teens. .
Abercrombie and Fitch will be a hit in Beijing, China, because a & F. clothing is geared for thinner petite individuals. As we know with the Chinese culture, the average height for a women is 5'0., average height for a man is 5'6 inches. The average Chinese woman weighs 125 pounds, and a Chinese man weighs 145 pounds. Abercrombie and Fitch tailors to the more petite stator, this is a perfect population to market and export this brand to clothing.
Abercrombie and Fitch will market their trendy slim fitting jeans for the female, and boot cut denim jeans for the male . Abercrombie and Fitch will market their...
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