Meanwhile he is emotionally unavailable and unresponsive in meaningful personal communications and in his interpersonal relationships. Even when he is engaged in a one-on-one conversation and making direct eye contact, he appears to be off somewhere else and thinking about other things besides the immediate conversation. His family and friends report that in addition to being emotionally distant and unavailable, the subject is also unavailable more literally because he refuses to answer their calls on his cell phone even after being informed how much this frustrates them.
Evaluation, Prognosis, and Recommendations
In some respects, this subject appears to have failed to successfully transition into and negotiate Erikson's Young Adulthood (i.e. Intimacy vs. isolation) Stage (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009). Instead of learning how to form intimate loving interpersonal relationships, he appears to have remained focused on the earlier (i.e. Identity vs. Role Confusion) Stage in which his dedication to his career...
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