al., 2010).
If there was an actual nuclear detonation, health effects for those in the immediate vicinity would range from instant death to severe burns and radition poisioning. Further from the blast results in lower doses of radition, but at even a small bomb, exposure within the first few hours would likely result in some sort of cellular damage from nervous system shut down to cancers, some of which might take years to develop. Any exposure to the human system will have some effect, the more the fallout and proximity, the greater the effect (Levy and Sidel, 2003).
From a public health perspective, prompt treatment and long-term monitoring are necessary components of the rik plan. Multi-organ failure, for instance, can be limited based on lowering fevers and inflamatory effects, and those with small amounts of exposure can benefit from transfusions, immune system boosters, and antibiotics. The keys to these issues...
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