Modernism, and how the literature that is considered to be Modernist literature is representative of the period. Then explain how contemporary world literature comes from Modernism
Discuss three Modernists and their work.
Then discuss two contemporary authors. Explain how they represent NOW (or the contemporary world which is from 1968 on.)
Then discuss the differences between Modernism and contemporary literature.
James Joyce, Franz Kafka, and DH Lawrence are three examples of three different modernist writers. Each of them represents a different facet of Modernism. Kafka is most renowned for The Metamorphosis, The Trial, and The Castle. Each of these books probe reality and existence as man understands it and questions our existence on this world. Respect for traditional hierarchy is questioned and the value of man, itself, is at stake. In "Metamorphosis," for instance, a boy turns into a cockroach and is rejected by his parents. We have the philosophical...
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