Also, the right products should be shipped to the right locations and this makes WMS labor-intensive and complex. However, a well established WMS is essential to reduce incidents and loss.

Customer Service

An effective WMS is essential to ensure a high quality customer service. Errors in deliveries can lead to empty shelves and in turn, this will result in a financial loss for the company because the product was not available for sale. Also, customers will be unhappy if they see empty shelves all the time. They will also be dissatisfied if products are not delivered within the stipulated time. To prevent these problems, a state-of-the-art WMS is necessary.

Logistics Cost

Logistical costs account for roughly 9% of a company's total sales price (Van Den Berg, 2007). Though it depends on the industry to a large extent, the costs are nevertheless significant. These costs are likely to increase with a...
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