Aiquang (2007) conducted a review of Bosch Group, the global supplier of automotive, building and industrial technology as well as consumer goods. Before implanting TPM they spent several hours in solving machine/equipment problems, while the operators and line leaders did not know how to assist them.
Gurinder Singh (2006) conducted a review of Total Productive Maintenance and found that faced with an economy in recession, increasing competition, an installed capacity greater than demand, and sales price and raw material cost dictated by the market, total productive maintenance (TPM) may be the only thing that stands between success and total failure for some companies. The TPM program shifts responsibility for routine equipment maintenance from the maintenance department to process owners and production employees. It merges the best features of productive and predictive maintenance with innovative management strategies and total employee involvement.
Sun, Yam and Wai-Keung (2003) reviewed a pilot implementation and...
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