Software-as-a-Service in Accounting: Current Best Practices

IV. Research Methodology

V. Analysis of Results

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation's

VII. Appendices and References

Literature Sources

The following are the literature and secondary research sources that will be used for completing this analysis. ABI Inform, Data Monitor, EBSCO Host, Hoover's, Lexus/Nexus and IBIS Research are the secondary sources of data, which will be used for this analysis. Additionally, research from Forrester Group, Gartner Group, International Data Corporation and Ovum Research (UK) will be used for completing the analysis as well.

Scope and Methodology

The scope will include interviews with 50 CFOs in the local region from small and medium businesses randomly selected from manufacturing, service and support industries. A total list of all small and medium businesses in the region will be defined and random number generator used to select the companies who will be contacted. Initial contact will be through personalized letters...
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