(Higonnet, 1) Quite to the reality of our future, that which he has produced in the defense of the rights of man will not be retracted. Nor will be his association to these accomplishments. Therefore, both to protect ourselves from the righteous indignation of a public who will not bear to see the disgracing of its champion and to serve with justice rather than with arbitrary defensiveness the legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte, this statement is to implore your judgeship to disregard St. Helena as a suitable place to exile any human being so much as one whose may be regarded as having so gracefully served those in his public.
Works Cited:
Higonnet, P. (1983). France Under Napoleon. The Journal of Modern History, 55(3).
Rank, J. (2007). The Napoleonic Code. Law Library: American Law and Legal Information. Online at http://law.jrank.org/pages/8702/Napoleonic-Code.html...
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