One very important aspect of their mindset in conquering others was the acceptance of other belief systems. This must have made the transition of the conquered easier than if they acted primarily as brute conformists (Radice, 1982).

The Romans took time to develop their armies and taught them to use a variety of weaponry as well as gain battle skills usable in various terrains. They organized their military into small units that were very successful in fighting in the mountain areas. They systematically dominated the Etruscans (in the North), the Samnites (central Italy) and then they began to conquer the Greek cities (south of the Bay of Naples). Rome's control by 266 BC included the lands of Italy from the North to the most Southern tip. Rome's citizens were composed of a highly adaptable society. Their government was both well structured and excellent at negotiations (Radice, 1982).


Radice., B....
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