In this selection, Chong examines the foreign policy used by Singapore during the 1990s to establish its credentials as a full participant in the international conversation. I will use the examples explored in this article to support the thesis that soft power is a realistic and viable choice of policy.
Fukuyama, Francis, "The End of History?" National Interest 16 Summer 1989, pp. 3-18.
Fukuyama's assertion that the fall of the Soviet Union will result in the triumph of Western political liberalism has not yet been proven true; I will use his article as a warning against presuming too much in the political realm, especially in light of Jervis' assertion above that there will always be unpredictable actions in politics.
Gambill, Gary, "The Balance of Terror: War by Other Means in the Middle East," Journal of Palestine Studies 28:1, 1998, pp. 51-66
Gambill's examination of how terror changes the political...
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