The Greeks even believe that the sun had "kissed" the Ethiopians, explaining the deep color of their skin. In fact, according to one of the sources Keita quotes, the Ethiopians "pioneered" religion, inventing many of the customers that existed later in Egypt; according to that same source, the Egyptians were descended from the Ethiopians. Indeed, Herodotus asserted that almost all the names of the Greek gods came from Egypt, and that those names had been known in Egypt "from the beginning of time...." (Keita, 1994, p. 147+). The Greeks, the source maintains, taught the Greeks about ceremonial meetings, processions and liturgies and to assign a day to a deity and to engage in prognostications and use of omens.
On the other hand, it is unlikely that, without the Greeks to conquer lands on both sides of the Mediterranean, the spread of religion and liturgy and myth -- ascribed to the...
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