" (6:16)

God's promise had been enough for Moses when he doubted his ability to confront Pharoah: "Go and make disciples of all nations... And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19, 20) But it wasn't enough for Gideon who went on and on with this questioning and despite consistent reassurances, kept doubting himself. Gideon is not only weak, he also lacks real faith. He didn't want to die which is strange because all chosen people are supposed to be fearless. Gideon on the other hand was very fearful and wanted to be reassured that he won't die. He was not even sure if the messages were coming from God so he asked for signs:

He demands a sign, and soon receives one that ought to have convinced the most sceptical mind in the world. But Gideon, the true ancestor of all...
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