To ensure this balance is achieved and the overall study is comprised of the strongest and highest level of integrity and ethics, there must be a solid design. Although the purpose of this discussion is not to divulge into the specific mechanics of the qualitative design, ethics and integrity are both natural outgrowths of solid research designs.
Integrity and ethics have been referred to as "straightforwardness" and "trustworthiness" within qualitative studies (Given, 2008). Integrity and ethics are ensured when the researcher exhibits a reasonable level of quality control in reviewing the data (Patton, 2006). Specifically, the researcher should be on the look out for data that goes according to plan, in other words, data that fits the model to well or data that has "too good of fit" should be viewed with some skepticism. The logical conclusion to this environment would construe the facts to discern that the integrity and...
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