Correctional Services of Canada says that these programs are the result of acknowledge the woman as "her own beset expert," and are built on the premise that "earning to make informed choices and then accepting the consequences of them will enable these women to take control of their lives." There, a Literacy and Numeracy Program created just for female inmates aims to foster skills required for basic employment and civic involvement.
The State of Florida reported in 2001 that the recidivism rate for inmates who received a GED was 29.8%, significantly lower than the 34.4% attributed to those who failed to complete the educational program. That rate of return essentially translated into 100 inmates not returning to prison of the 1,788 who received their GED. The State reported that avoiding their re-incarceration saved approximately $1.9 million dollars.
With the growth of so many gender-specific programs, the rationale for addressing incarceration...
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