Mark Twain, The Riverboat Pilot,
Huckleberry Finn
In his American classic Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain relates the adventures of Huck Finn and his companion Jim in such a way that the reader can sense that the story is based on true events, especially through characterization, setting and dialog. In essence, Twain has inserted himself into the novel via some very clever plot constructions and one of the best examples of this can be found in his descriptions of life on the Mississippi River as it relates to Huck Finn and Jim. However, Twain has also inserted his own experiences as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River into the story, a suggestion that can be supported via numerous extracts from the novel.
In his American classic Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain relates the adventures of Huck Finn and his companion Jim in such a way that the reader can sense that...
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