You can approach your local magistrate for assistance and the standard Notices to use in a claim. While this is certainly an advantage the factor that is most treasured by the subcontractor is that the contractor is responsible for all the work as well as other aspects in terms of the sub-contractors employers. Furthermore, the contractor is the individual which may be held liable in terms of a lawsuit while the subcontractor would be considered that of hire helped according to the Code enactment.
Works Cited
Andrews, Kevin (2003) Australian Government Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry 2003 December: Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government, Commonwealth of Australia 2003 available online at: t_Impleme ntation_Guidelines.pdf
Industrial Relations principles of the National Code Online available at the Australian Government Website: ce / Categor y/PolicyReviews/BuildingConstruction / NationalCodeGuidelines/in dustrialRelationsprinciplesoftheNationalCode.htm
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