Images of Youth

Media Representations of Young Australians

Any minority group is bound to have its own image, and its own problems. The difficulties faced by ethnic, racial, and religious minorities are well-known, but there is another group that is equally disadvantaged, but that is really even considered among the minority population. Across Australia, young people -- in particular secondary school students -- constitute a distinct minority group that is frequently maligned and exploited. Media accounts give little thought to smearing all children as irresponsible, drug-ridden, delinquents. Few media outlets bother also to consider the ways in which youthful employees are exploited through overwork, low pay, and substandard job conditions. Yet this special minority group is one of Australia's largest. Its members belong to every other racial, ethnic, and religious group. Its members are the future of us all. When will the media begin to honestly explore the real predicament...
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