Attitudes toward the teacher-psychologist working relationship and the utility of advice on classroom management were most positive among promoted teachers, followed by psychologists, and then new and unpromoted staff.
Student Involvement
The attitudes of the students are clearly of importance to the school health counselor and must be taken into account in both the consultative and counseling roles. West, Kayser, Overton, and Saltmarsh (1991) note certain student perceptions that inhibit counseling. It was estimated by the President's Commission on Mental Health in 1978 that 5 to 15% of all children and adolescents require some type of mental health service, and considering the number that actually receive help, there is a large population of troubled youth remaining unrecognized and untreated. One problem is that children and adolescents do not have a clear perception of themselves or of counseling and so are seldom self-referred. They are also frequently pointed toward counseling by...
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