Over-consumption is driven by a desire to look and act in accordance with social norms. Those who opt for a simpler, less materialistic lifestyle may be branded as hippies or near-outcasts. Shopping in malls or online is easy and has reached hobby status for some Americans. For instance, teenagers in American suburbs often spend their weekends in the mall, and hordes of people flock to stores during clearance sales.
While over-consumption is in large part caused by advertising and a "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality, increased prosperity in our society has also led to a wave of compulsive spending and over-consumption. Over-consumption is a result of a selfish, me-driven mentality on which American culture was founded. However, selfishness is also a result of over-consumption. The causes and consequences of rampant consumerism are similar: emotional, psychological, and spiritual malaise.
Over-consumption is a form of addiction and it is, therefore, akin...
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