The Stellenbosch Wine Route covers the area around that city; the Constantia wine route is the oldest in Africa and the Durbanville wine route is an up-and-coming tour with unique cellars, horse racing and ample opportunities for high-adventure outdoor recreation (South Africa Guide, 2010). Many wineries and towns along these routes now have guesthouses to host visitors, and wonderful restaurants, to create the most idyllic experience possible.

Back in the city, the wine scene is supported with a number of excellent restaurants. Trendy restaurants feature the region's best and most exclusive wines -- the good stuff we keep for ourselves -- and the bold, innovative cuisine to match. Unbothered by adherence to stiff rules, South African chefs infuse the world's great culinary traditions, leaving no stone unturned to create the ultimate experience for enjoying Western Cape wine. From there, the rest of the city's many pleasures awaits. If you prefer...
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