hit documentary movie by Michael Moore called "Bowling for Columbine" from a criminologist point-of-view. The criminologist point-of-view is obtained from referencing "Criminology: The Core, 8th edition" by Larry J. Siegel as well as various criminal justice research journals. The objective of the paper was to addresses if this documentary supported information taught by Siegel. The paper aims to discuss theories the movie covered, provide insight into gun control and discuss violence in schools. Another objective of the paper was to discuss if the movie's arguments portrayed real life. And finally, the paper tries to provide an evaluation of my personal beliefs about "Bowling For Columbine" and crime in general.
'Bowling For Columbine" was a highly successful movie in both the box office as well as prestigious Hollywood award circles. Some estimates have the movie grossing more than forty million dollars worldwide and of that more than half coming from the...
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