Corporate Crime Through History And Its Place in Corporate America Today
Corporate crimes have taken center stage in our thoughts, imaginations and most importantly on the front pages of our newspapers. Of course, with the recent incarceration of Martha Stewart, we've come face-to-face with the very public persona of corporate crime, but much of the history is behind the scenes rather than on our television screens daily. According to the Encyclopedia of White Collar and Corporate Crime, by Lawrence Salinger, corporate crime has been around as long as there have been corporations. Salinger actually profiles the early corporate crime perpetrators as criminaloids: "The criminaloids encounter feeble opposition and since their practices are often more lucrative than the typical criminal act, they distance their more scrupulous rivals in business and politics and reap an uncommon worldly prosperity. The key to the criminaloid is not evil impulse, but moral insensibility. The criminaloid...
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