Parenting and Adoption
In 2002, Sweden joined the ranks of European nations permitting legal adoptions by gay parents. The measure passed in the Swedish parliament with an overwhelming majority vote: 198 to 38 ("Sweden Legalizes Gay Adoption," 2002). The Netherlands, Denmark, and Iceland also permit legal adoption by homosexual parents. On the other hand, the state of Florida instated a total ban on gay adoptions. The decision, which is heatedly contested by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), was upheld in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. The resistance to gay parenting and adoption rights as is witnessed in Florida and other American states like New Hampshire is not based on a modicum of fact but rather on presumptions and biases.
The Swedish decision, on the other hand, rests soundly on scientific research conducted over the course of 18 months showing that "gay couples are just as capable as their...
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