Belief System: Epicurean vs. Stoic
People over 65 should be prohibited from having major medical treatment such as open - heart surgery. Health care efforts would be better directed toward preventative care for children. From this standpoint this work intends to examine the belief of the Stoic and of the Epicurean and finally to form a personal opinion and state the same.
Stoicism is a term derived from the Greek "stoa" which refers to the columns or "colonnade" such as one sees in the replicas of Grecian architecture or on the front of colonial style homes. Zeno, a teacher taught his followers in the "stoa poikile" in Athens and the name stoics was applied to this group. Followers were inclusive of Marcus Aureoles, Seneca and Epictetus.
Stoic Belief
The thinking or logic of the "Stoic" was the same as that of Aristotle but with a different twist adding that:
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