Medicaid offers service regardless of age (Waidmann 1998). The author asserts that raising the age eligibility will simply increase the responsibilities of the Medicaid system (Waidmann 1998).. On the other hand, the article also asserts that an increase in the eligibility age to 67 will only make a small difference in Medicare savings. The article explains that it would only add one year to the life of hospital insurance trust fund (Waidmann 1998)..
Analysis of these reforms using Priester's framework
Priester has some definite opinions about the values that the healthcare in America should have. Priester explains that any type of healthcare reform that is put into place should incorporate the successes of healthcare systems in Canada and the Netherlands (Priester 1992). Priester also contends that new healthcare reform values should include Fair access, Quality Care, Efficiency, Respect for patients, Patient advocacy, and Personal responsibility (Priester 1992).
According to Priester,...
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