Performance Appraisal:
There are many different types of performance appraisals available. Among the more common include:
Comparative Standards -- This type of performance appraisal compares employee's performance with others in a group
Group Ranking Order -- In this type a supervisor places each employee in a classification, such as top 1/2 of employees. Usually someone has to be assigned in a bottom fraction of the group.
Individual Ranking -- This is the most commonly used form where a supervisor will list employees from highest and lowest.
Paired Comparison -- This type of performance appraisal compares employees with each and every other employee within a group and rates employees in terms of 'superior' or 'weaker' compared with another. A ranking and score is then assigned employees.
Source: Allen, 1998. "Management Evaluation."
This particular evaluation combined a group ranking method with 360 degree feedback, where a comprehensive evaluation of employee performance is...
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