And since menopause is associated with gaining of weight as well as slow metabolism, when one takes a low-fat, high fiber vegetarian diet it can assist him ward off extra pounds.
Individuals who are on vegetarian diet tend to have more energy. When one consumes too much fat in his or her body (blood stream) the arteries will not open properly hence the muscles will not receive oxygen which is enough and this always makes an individual to feel zapped. Vegetarian diet also makes one avoid toxic chemicals. From the estimation of EPA nearly 95% of the pesticide residue within typical American diet originates from dairy products, fish and meat . Dairy products are associated with steroids as well as hormones, while fish tend to have carcinogen (DDT, PCBs) including heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead. These materials cannot be removed even through freezing or cooking. Consuming...
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