Nelson Mandela -- Was / Is He a Hero?
Definition of "Hero"
Is Nelson Mandela a true hero in the pure sense of the word? Is he justifiably considered a legitimate hero today? This paper points to several reasons why Nelson Mandela is indeed a bona fide hero, among the most revered and remarkably strong leaders and heroes in history. What is a hero? The Webster's New World College Dictionary explains that a hero is "…any person admired for courage, nobility, or exploits, esp. In war… any person admired for qualities or achievements and regarded as an ideal or model." The Oxford Universal Dictionary has a number of definitions, including: "One who does brave or noble deeds"; and "A man who exhibits extraordinary bravery, firmness, or greatness of soul, in connection with any pursuit, work or enterprise…" (Oxford Universal Dictionary, Little, et al., 1933, p. 895). Clearly from any of...
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