China Largest Country in World

China the Largest Country in the World

China is the largest country in the world. You are thinking about marketing your product in their country. Your information must be current (NLT2004). You are to conduct a comparative analysis between China and the United States. You are to determine the population of China, the mean gross income, the gross national product (GNP).

When you compare the United States with China, it is clear that the U.S. is a more developed nation. Evidence of this can be seen by: comparing the median income and the GNP of both counties. As the U.S. has an average income of $47,200.00, while China has median income levels of $7,600.00. In the case of the GNP, the U.S. is much larger than China with their economy realizing $14.66 trillion in total output for 2010. Whereas China; is experiencing GNP productivity rates...
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