Deontology vs. Utilitarianism


Deontology is an ethical theory, which states actions should be performed according a previously ranked set of values (Johnson, 1996). It states that some rights must not be violated even if it may produce the greatest overall good. It sees rightness as something intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, to the action performed. It is generally attributed to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant on categorical imperatives. Deontology urges that actions or means to actions must themselves be ethical. It upholds ethical norms and truths to be universally applicable. Immoral actions are those, which are wrong in themselves and of themselves. Deontology requires that all people act with the view that their act be a universal pattern or norm of behavior. Immanuel Kant also maintains that people arrive at moral conclusions on what is morally right or wrong through rational thought. Deontology insists that the means must...
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