Environmental Analysis
Sikorsky Aircraft: Environmental analysis
PEST analysis
At present, the U.S. is still embroiled in numerous conflicts abroad, although it is pulling out of one of its major conflicts (Afghanistan) slowly. Regardless of whatever party assumes control over the White House in the future, there will still be strong demand for military vehicles, including Sikorsky Aircraft Black Hawks.
However, the shaky U.S. economy means that there will likely be less available funds for military spending on vehicles such as the Black Hawk helicopter, which forms the core of the Sikorsky brand
Socially, once again the economy plays a role upon in terms of public perception of the company: citizens are more reticent about supporting military spending, when many Americans are dependent upon social service organizations for basic necessities and cutbacks are necessary 'across the board.'
Sikorsky places a premium upon innovation in its aircraft technology....
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